
Archive for February, 2013

Latest BK Levels and Foot Fix

February 27, 2013 1 comment

From a kidney standpoint, I’ve been doing well. I had 3 negative BK urine tests in a row, but the last one 2 weeks ago was positive for 5800 copies. Not bad, but another negative would have been better.

I still have some residual burning in the fingers from the nerve damage due to the Leflunomide I was on to treat the BK, but I’m off that now, and I can live with it. It’s interesting to note that I never had a negative BK Urine, but once I was off of it, I eventually had 3 in a row. It doesn’t mean anything as it’s anecdotal, but maybe they will do more research on BK to figure out a definitive treatment.

I am a RN Case Manager, and deal with several transplant patients, and a lot of patients with hypertension. I was able to “pick the brain” of a Nephrologist today who specializes in hypertension. I was not aware of this, but Prograf, which is a calcineurin inhibitor, is a potent vasoconstrictor. That means that it causes arteries to get smaller, thus raising blood pressure. Thus, the best antihypertensive choice would be one that causes blood vessels to relax.

I am currently on Lisinopril for my bp, as well as another antihypertensive, Inderal, which is used to treat my hand tremors that worsened after the Leflunomide damaged my peripheral nerves. It’s still not great, but my BP is controlled. I’m going to work on shedding a few pounds, so that should help a lot.

The latest big story is my foot reconstruction.

I had a major foot reconstruction of my right foot in November, and of today, for the first time in many years, can now walk without any orthotic in my shoe.

It’s strange not having my ankle in a fixed position, and I pretty much have to learn to walk normally. I have a tendancy to not flex my ankle, but I know I eventually will be back in the habit of doing this when I walk, based on when I had the other foot reconstructed.

The surgery itself was very painful, and the recovery long (non-weight bearing from Halloween to after New Year’s), and I’ve been in a Bledsoe boot since, but it was well worth it. My foot is very straight now, and although still swollen, it looks great.

I’ve posted x-ray images taken in January, after the surgery, and as you can see, have a lot of hardware.

