
Archive for June, 2010

Transplant Labs May 2010

June 8, 2010 6 comments

I had my labs 2 weeks ago, and another negative BK level in my blood. Yea!

My creatinine is 1.1, and all of my other labs are stable.  My Prograf level went from 9 in April,  to 7.7 in May. Not worrisome, as the goal is 6-8.  Still on Leflunomide, and they will be checking a Leflunomide level in June.  (Leflunomide has anti-viral properties for BK virus). I will also start getting urine BK virus levels next month, which should be interesting.  When I was diagnosed last July with BK virus, I had >39 MILLION copies of the virus in my urine.  I last had it checked this past winter, and it was down to 229,000 copies.  That major drop was most likely from not taking CellCept, which is notorious for causing the immunosuppression leading to BK virus.

Since my last post, I had to go back to the Podiatrist, and I had another pressure ulcer on my foot.  It was only pinpoint, so I caught it early.  He debrided the callus on my foot, which has helped.  That day, I also went back to Susquehanna Valley Prosthetics and Orthotics (the company that molded my orthotics and whom I HIGHLY recommend), and at the suggestion of the Podiatrist, they added a material called Plastizote to the area of the orthotic that was causing problems with my foot.  It has greatly helped the problem, and I now have minimal to no pain!  I think this is the answer to the problem.

My sister is in the hospital again.  Over the weekend, she had vomiting, severe back pain, and chills.  They don’t know the source of the infection, but were apparently worried that it was either a gall bladder or kidney infection.  She had pain in her right side, which is the side of her transplant, thus the worry of an infection in her transplanted kidney. It’s also possible that she has an infected cyst in one of her native kidneys.  Cyst infections are difficult to diagnose.  The infection is within the cyst, so a urine culture wouldn’t necessarily show an infection.  I probably had a cyst infection prior to my transplant when I was on dialysis, and was on Cipro for almost 2 months.

She did have a nuclear scan today, and the gall bladder apparently is not infected (although she has stones again). Not sure what the plan is, but they are holding off on antibiotics until they know the source of the infection.  Her temp was only 100.2 today, but her white blood cell count is elevated.  She’s had a rough year since her transplant, so I hope they can figure out what is wrong.

I’m back working weekends with the home nursing agency I worked for before. I’m happy with the case I’m on; the family is very nice, and the client is a pleasant little girl.  This case is different, as the client is a family member; the previous case, the clients were adopted.  It makes a big difference.  I’ve been doing home care as a side job for a total of 11 years now, and do enjoy it; it’s a different kind of nursing from my full time job.

Hard to believe it’s been this long, but Saturday was the 21st anniversary of my job as a nurse with my current employer; I started the job right out of nursing school.