
Archive for July, 2011

That Pesky BK Virus

July 10, 2011 4 comments

I had my monthly labs this past week, and my creatinine of 1.2 is now back to normal!

The BK virus is another story.  Although still low at 84k copies in my urine, it is up from last months 1,100 copies.  At that time , they had lowered my Prograf dosage to 2mg/1mg (every 12 hours).  At the beginning of June, they resumed the dose of 3mg/2mg that I had been on prior to my hospitalization for the Prograf toxicity/Acute Renal Failure.  This current 84k reading reflects the current dosage, and illustrates how reducing immunosuppression will reduce BK virus.  But balancing immunosuppression and BK virus levels is a tightrope.  Too high a dose of Prograf means elevated BK levels; too low a dose risks rejection of the kidney.  So, as long as my levels of BK stay low, and don’t cause any kidney damage,  I’ll be ok with that.

Despite the problems afterwards, the foot surgery was a definite success.  I finish physical therapy, and although it’s still swollen, I can walk on it without the pain I had prior to surgery (and even prior to the infection).  I saw 6 sthe Orthopedic surgeon this past week, and he is pleased with how it turned out. I did get a peek at the x-ray, and I have 6 screws and 2 plates at the first toe foot bones on the top of my foot, and a 3-4″ threaded bolt going straight up through my heel and (presumably) into either the tibia or fibula (leg bones).  I sure would have liked to see a video of THAT surgery.

I’m still wearing the Bledsoe boot, but was fitted for a shoe insert on Wednesday.  I’m fairly sure that this will be enough support, so that I will no longer need the AFO that goes up to just below my knee, as I used to wear prior to surgery.

Well, I’m almost 6 months into my new job, and I’m just now able to do things without asking questions every 5 minutes. I was very comfortable in my previous job, having done it for 17 years, but this job is definitely more intense.  In addition to the volume of work, I’m also having to learn the adult disease processes, as well how to do case management. There were several nights this week where I came home from work, and after supper, did another 1-2 hours.  But it’s not bad when you have a job that you love.